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Increase Haemoglobin Level- Tips to Improve Blood Health

Increase Haemoglobin Level- Tips to Improve Blood Health

21st Jun 2024

If you’re facing an issue with your overall well-being, it’s primarily based on effective blood health, especially one important aspect, adequate haemoglobin levels. Haemoglobin, a protein in red blood cells, is vital to supplying life-preserving oxygen to every body part from the lungs. Energy levels fall when the haemoglobin counts drop and weakness sets in, causing bodily functions to suffer. The best news is that there are many natural ways to increase haemoglobin levels, such as strategies and lifestyle changes. In this article, we detail these handy tips and tricks, thus unveiling the ways that help you with queries on how to increase haemoglobin levels.

The Vital Role of Haemoglobin

Perched within red blood cells, It’s considered a fascinating protein that choreographs the intricate symphony between oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange. As a devoted driver, Haemoglobin gets oxygen from your lungs and carries it throughout the body to feed muscles and cells. It removes carbon dioxide effectively, providing a smooth flow that powers your body.

Common Symptoms of Low Haemoglobin Levels

First, low Haemoglobin levels often denote anaemia may present as persistent debility, fatigue, and dyspnoea. Routine activities become challenging, killing your interest. However, hope shines through.

increase haemoglobin level

Natural Remedies to Increase Haemoglobin

If you wonder how to increase haemoglobin naturally? Then we will help you increase your haemoglobin levels naturally and improve your blood health and energy. Learn simple and comprehensive approaches that will provide long-term results.

Eat Iron and Folate-Rich Foods

Iron and folate are essential elements required for the production of healthy haemoglobin. Iron assists in making Haemoglobin and red blood cells; folate complements their evolution. Introduce iron-containing foods such as spinach, broccoli, and wheat germ to your daily diet. Increase the amount of iron absorbed by pairing these foods with a vitamin C source such as lemon.

Incorporate Vitamin C-Rich Foods

Vitamin C helps in iron absorption and fortifies your diet. Basically, oranges, strawberries, papayas, and green peppers are important sources of vitamin C. Combining these foods with iron-rich ones increases the efficiency of both nutrients in increasing Haemoglobin levels.

Boost your Haemoglobin level with the help of these Vitamin rich supplements-

Avoid Iron Blockers

Some compounds, such as coffee, tea, cola, and alcohol, interfere with iron uptake. By restricting the amount of these substances, your body will be able to absorb iron better and encourage healthier haemoglobin levels.

Utilise Iron Utensils for Cooking

Enriching your food with iron content through cooking using iron utensils is possible. This is also very important for people with low Haemoglobin levels. Use iron pots and pans during cooking to increase the intake of this mineral in your body naturally.

Stay Hydrated- Drink Enough Water

Adequate hydration increases blood circulation and keeps the vessels flexible, leading to optimal haemoglobin transportation. Haemoglobin and all the functions in your body will be more wholesome if you keep hydrated.

Top 9 Foods to Naturally Increase Haemoglobin

haemoglobin-boosting diet

Revamp your diet with these Haemoglobin-boosting superstars:

  1. Spinach– Full of iron and vitamin C for better absorption.
  2. Legumes– Lentils, chickpeas and beans are nonmeat sources of iron.
  3. Nuts & Seeds– Almonds, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds are nutrient powerhouses.
  4. Beef-Lean beef is a powerful heme iron source.
  5. Poultry– Chicken and turkey contain protein and heme iron.
  6. Seafood– Iron is found in oysters, clams and mussels.
  7. Dark Chocolate– Iron rich indulgence, guilt-free.
  8. Grains – The best options include fortified cereals and quinoa.
  9. Fruits– Watermelon, pomegranate and figs supply iron.

Lifestyle Habits for Sustained Haemoglobin Health

Raising haemoglobin is not simply about the plate. Optimum levels can be maintained through proper sleep, stress management and regular physical activity. These lifestyle changes cooperate with your dietary efforts.

Exercise and Haemoglobin- A Beneficial Connection

Regular exercise can have a positive effect on the haemoglobin levels. An increase in the supply of red blood cells is brought about by physical activity, and this improves oxygen delivery to tissues. Mild exercises such as brisk walking, cycling, or swimming are important in maintaining haemoglobin health.

Dispelling Myths- Boosting Blood Count

There is gossip about beetroot, though healthy, non-wonder remedy for low haemoglobin. Sustainable haemoglobin augmentation must be comprehensive and achievable via sustained dietary choices and a healthy lifestyle.

Elevating Haemoglobin- Tips for Success

As far as increasing haemoglobin by natural means is concerned, balance holds the key. Here’s what to do and what to avoid:


  • Add Iron-Rich Foods – Include foods such as spinach, beans, nuts and seeds, red meat poultry from seafood to dark chocolate alongside whole grains with iron-rich fruit.
  • Stay Hydrated– Water is necessary for proper hygiene and absorption of nutrients.
  • A balanced diet consists of vitamins– elements like vitamin C increase iron absorption, hence incorporating citrus fruits, bell peppers, and other sources that contain the substance.


  • Drink Excessive Caffeine- Consumption of high levels of caffeine in tea and coffee leads to interference with iron absorption. Enjoy them in moderation.

Expert Advice and Support

Medical practitioners offer necessary support in the treatment and elevation of Haemoglobin levels. Consult a healthcare provider before serious diet or lifestyle modifications are made, especially if you have other health complications.


As you continue on this path, remember that balance is your friend. You’re doing much more than simply switching up your diet; after all, you are choosing to adopt an entirely different lifestyle that will fill you with energy and vitality. Each healthy decision you make takes you one step closer to reaching the Haemoglobin levels of your dreams.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to increase Haemoglobin in pregnancy?

Iron-rich foods such as lean meats, beans, and dark leafy vegetables should be included in the daily diet and ensure necessary water levels for blood volume improvement.

Does Kiwi increase Haemoglobin?

Kiwi is edible, and it consists of vitamin C as well as dietary fibre. Although it does not directly boost haemoglobin levels, its vitamin C content can improve iron absorption from other foods. The inclusion of kiwi in your diet can be a good complement to the efforts that you are making towards increasing Haemoglobin.

Do dates increase Haemoglobin?

Dates are a natural source of iron, which makes them beneficial in promoting improved levels of Haemoglobin. Secondly, they are rich in fibre and vital nutrients. People can help maintain normal levels of Haemoglobin by including dates in their diet.

What foods to avoid in low Haemoglobin?

To enhance low Haemoglobin, have lower caffeine, stagger the calcium intake for nourishing whole foods, be cautious of phytates/oxalate and control alcohol.