Herbal Papaya
Mango Leaf Extract Liquid Organic - African Mango, Black Mango - Gut, Immunity, Digestive Support, General Wellness - Natural Supplements -12oz btl - Herbal Goodness
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15.84 ounces
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Mango Leaf Extract Liquid Organic - African Mango, Black Mango - Gut, Immunity, Digestive Support, General Wellness - Natural Supplements -12oz btl - Herbal Goodness
?? Biologically known as Mangifera Indica, the leaves of the mango fruit are packed with the goodness of nutrients such as vitamin C, fiber, iron, folate, copper, magnesium, and Mangiferin to name a few. These nutrients help in boosting immunity, improving heart health, supporting hormonal balance, and strengthening metabolism. Mango leaves also contain antioxidant properties because theyre high in flavonoids and phenols10?? Digestive Aid - Mango leaf has historically been used as a digestive aid. It has compounds and antioxidants which calm the digestive system and provide digestive comfort. Mango leaf contains polyphenols that have antioxidant properties. Some research suggests that they improve gut bacteria, help support healthy weight balance, digestion, and absorption of nutrients into the body. Mango leaves contain the enzyme papain that helps boost digestion10?? Promotes Calmness and Relaxation - Mango Leaves have historically been used for their ability to bring about a sense of calm and promote general well-being. Mangoes leaves are edible and are used in several cuisines for their unique taste. In several cultures, mango leaves are commonly used for making tea and herbal concoctions to help promote and support relaxation. Mango leaves also contain the enzyme papain10?? Mango leaf is a great source of Vitamin C which helps in immune support. Vitamin C also boosts healthy cognitive and neurologic function. In short, Mango leaf is great for your immune system. Mango leaves contain several beneficial plant compounds, including polyphenols and terpenoids. Terpenoids are important for optimal vision and immune health. Theyre also antioxidants, which protect your cells from harmful free radicals10?? Young green mango leaves are very tender, so theyre cooked and eaten in some cultures. Because the leaves are considered very nutritious, theyre also used to make tea and supplements. Mangoes leaves are edible and used in several cuisines for their unique taste. Mango leaves were used to make traditional medicines in Ayurveda and ancient Chinese practices. Not only the leaves, the stem, bark, and roots are also used for their health benefits10