5% Lidocaine Hemorrhoid Relief Cream 1 Oz Tube, Anorectal Cream, Rapid Numbing Relief, Hemorrhoid Treatment From Itch And Burn
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5% Lidocaine Hemorrhoid Relief Cream 1 Oz Tube, Anorectal Cream, Rapid Numbing Relief, Hemorrhoid Treatment From Itch And Burn
Rapid Relief : For Rapid Relief From Hemorrhoid Symptoms Including Itching, Burning And Inflammation Treats Symptoms: Treats Symptoms Of Hemorrhoids Including Itching, Burning And Inflammation Convenience: Convenient Sized Tubes For Discreet Relief At Home Or On-The-Go What'S Inside: Rectaease Cream Contains 5% Lidocaine, A Local Anaesthetic, That Has Been Used By Physicians To Provide Safe And Effective Topical Relief Since 1948. Inactive Ingredients Provide Cooling Relief While Skin Heals Fast Results: RectaeaseâS Active Ingredient, Lidocaine, Acts As A Local Anaesthetic, Numbing The Area And Reducing Itching And Inflammation While Skin Heals