Boric Acid Suppositories 30 + 30 Applicators + 100 Ph Test Strips = 160 Piece Kit For Vaginal Ph Balance, Odor, Itching, Dryness & Discharge
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10.55 Ounces
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Boric Acid Suppositories 30 + 30 Applicators + 100 Ph Test Strips = 160 Piece Kit For Vaginal Ph Balance, Odor, Itching, Dryness & Discharge
Great Value - This Kit Includes 30 Boric Acid Suppositories, 30 Applicators, And 100 Ph Test Stripsfast Acting - Boric Acid Helps Re-Balance Your Vaginal Ph Quickly To Relieve Odor, Itching, Dryness, And Discharge. Many Women Report Feeling Fresher In Just 12 Hourscapsules - Lying On Your Back With Your Knees Bent And Feet Flat, Use The Applicator To Insert The Capsule As Deep As Possible Into The Vaginal Canal. Failure To Insert The Capsule Deeply Enough Into The Vaginal Canal Will Prevent The Capsule From Dissolving Properly And May Cause It To Be Expelled When You Urinateduration - Insert The Boric Acid Capsules Before Bed For 7 Consecutive Nights. If Unwanted Vaginal Symptoms Persist, Repeat Boric Acid For Another 7 Nights. You Should Expect Some Clear Watery Discharge, So We Recommend Sleeping With A Panty Linerapplicators - Your Body Position Is Critical. Lie On Your Back With Your Knees Bent And Feet Flat During Insertion To Avoid Discomfort And Jamming The Capsule At The Tip Of The Applicator