ENTEROSGEL - effectively treats the root cause of diarrhoea, pain, bloating and urgency in IBS, traveller's diarrhoea and stomach bugs. For adults and kids 0+. Tasteless drug-free gel Enterosgel Travels Along The Gut Gently Removing Bacterial Toxins, Viruses And Other Harmful Substances That Cause Ibs, Diarrhoea, Abdominal Pain, Bloating, Urgency, Traveller'S Diarrhoea And Gastroenterits. Acting As A Clever Sponge In The Gut Enterosgel Not Only Relieves The Symtpoms, But Improves Quality Of Life. Enterosgel Contains Organic Mineral And Water, Completely Non-Allergenic And Free From Any Additives. Enterosgel Is Clinically Proven As A Safe And Effective Treatment. It Is No.1 Oral Intestinal Adsorbent In The Uk Recommended By Doctors And Pharmacists Suitable for pregnant and breastfeeding women. Free from gluten, sugar, preservatives. Suitable for vegans and vegetarians. Completely non-allergenic. Drug-free. Take 1-2 hours before or after a meal or oral medications Shake the tube well. Dilute 1-2 tablespoons of gel in water and take 3 times a day. For acute diarrhoea - 3-5 days. For IBS - 30 days, short break and continue if and when needed. Take double dose after every bowel movement up to 6 times a day on a first day of treatment Fully Recycable Product Information:ENTEROSGEL - effectively treats the root cause of diarrhoea, pain, bloating and urgency in IBS, traveller's diarrhoea and stomach bugs. For adults and kids 0+. Tasteless drug-free gel,Features:Enterosgel Travels Along The Gut Gently Removing Bacterial Toxins, Viruses And Other Harmful Substances That Cause Ibs, Diarrhoea, Abdominal Pain, Bloating, Urgency, Traveller'S Diarrhoea And Gastroenterits. Acting As A Clever Sponge In The Gut Enterosgel Not Only Relieves The Symtpoms, But Improves Quality Of Life. Enterosgel Contains Organic Mineral And Water, Completely Non-Allergenic And Free From Any Additives. Enterosgel Is Clinically Proven As A Safe And Effective Treatment. It Is No.1 Oral Intestinal Adsorbent In The Uk Recommended By Doctors And Pharmacists,Warning or Restrictions:Suitable for pregnant and breastfeeding women. Free from gluten, sugar, preservatives. Suitable for vegans and vegetarians. Completely non-allergenic. Drug-free. Take 1-2 hours before or after a meal or oral medications,Product Specification:70% Organic mineral polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate and 30% Purified water,Product Uses:Shake the tube well. Dilute 1-2 tablespoons of gel in water and take 3 times a day. For acute diarrhoea - 3-5 days. For IBS - 30 days, short break and continue if and when needed. Take double dose after every bowel movement up to 6 times a day on a first day of treatment,Recyclable:Fully Recycable