Freshjax Organic Spices | Bbq & Grill Lovers Gift Set | Includes 6 Seasoning Blends | 1 Large And 5 Sampler Size | Plant-Based, Gluten-Free, Certified Kosher, Certified Organic
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1.5 Pounds
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Freshjax Organic Spices | Bbq & Grill Lovers Gift Set | Includes 6 Seasoning Blends | 1 Large And 5 Sampler Size | Plant-Based, Gluten-Free, Certified Kosher, Certified Organic
Organic And Kosher - Our Spice Blends Are Gluten-Free, Vegan, Non-Gmo, And Non-Irradiated To Contain No Artificial Flavors10Citrus Pepper - Delicious On Fish, Chicken, And Veggies Smokey Southwest - Brings Tex-Mex Flavor To Chicken And Corn On The Cob Grill Master Burger Blend - Tasty Mixed Into Burgers And On Kabobs10Bold Bayou -Gives Seafood A Cajun Twist Mesquite Lime - The Perfect Margarita Rimmer Rosy Cheeks - Yummy On All Bbq Favorites10Fighting Childhood Hunger - 1 In 6 Children In America Don'T Know When Their Next Meal Will Be, But Your Purchase Helps To Change That. So Far, The Freshjax Campaign To End Childhood Hunger Has Supplied Over 546,268 Meals To Hungry Children In Need10Freshjax Is A Small Family Business Handcrafting Your Favorite Organic Spices Since 201110