Ean Code:5425009102930,Form:Syrup,Presentation:Bottle,Contents:150Ml Do Not Exceed The Recommended Dose. Seek Advice From A Healthcare Professional. Do Not Use During Pregnancy And Lactation And In Children Under 6 Years Old. A Food Supplement Does Not Replace A Varied And Balanced Diet And A Healthy Lifestyle. Keep Out Of Reach Of Young Children For 25 Ml: Water, Cane Sugar*, Elderberries* (Sambucus Nigra L.) - 8.4 G**, Cantor Grass Tincture* (Sisymbium Officinale (L.) Scop.) - 746 Mg **, Alcohol* (≪5%), Honey* - 0.6 G, Aqueous Extracts Of Cantor Grass* (Sisymbium Officinale (L.) Scop.) - 417 Mg** And Of Alderweed* ( Inula Helenium L.) - 278 Mg**, Glycerine Macerate Of Black Alder Buds* (Alnus Glutinosa (L.) Gaertn.) - 28 Mg**, Aqueous Extract Of Hulled Barley* (Hordeum Vulgare L.) - 250 Mg**, Lemon Essential Oil* (Citrus Limon (L.) Burm.) - 221 Mg, Vegetable Glycerin* (E422), Chinese Cinnamon Bark Essential Oils* (Cinnamomum Zeylanicum Blume) - 13 Mg And Lemongrass* (Cymbopogon Citratus (Dc.) Stapf) - 12 Mg Herbalgem Organic Cantors Syrup 150Ml Is A Syrup That Contains Cantor Grass To Soften And Soothe The Voice. It Is Enriched With Black Alder Buds. Certified Organic Farming. Control Be Bio 01 Certisys Herbalgem Organic Cantors Syrup 150Ml Is A Syrup That Contains Cantor Grass To Soften And Soothe The Voice. It Is Enriched With Black Alder Buds. Certified Organic Farming. Control Be-Bio-01 Certisys