Kaytee Field+Forest Timothy+Orchard Grass Hay 90 Ounces
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Package Quantity:
5.62 Pounds
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Kaytee Field+Forest Timothy+Orchard Grass Hay 90 Ounces
Naturally Grown And Harvested Together Hay Blend Fragrant Blend Of Sweet, Soft Orchard Grass Hay With Fiber-Rich Timothy Hay Taste And Texture Variety For Healthy Enrichment Grown Without Pesticides Specifically For Small Pets Convenient Stay Fresh Packs, Boxed To Lock In Freshness Kaytee Field+Forest Timothy+Orchard Grass Hay Is Harvested At The Peak Freshness Specifically For Your Small Pet. Our Fragrant Blend Of Timothy Hay And Orchard Grass Hay Is Naturally Grown And Harvested Together To Yield The Perfect Combination Of Satisfying Taste And Texture. We Pride Ourselves In Growing Premier All-Natural Hay Without Pesticides. Field+Forest Hay Is Hand-Selected And Provides A High Nutritional Value. Each Convenient Stay Fresh Pack Is Carefully Boxed To Protect It From Light, Air And Moisture To Lock In Freshness, Guaranteed. At Kaytee, We Are Committed To Harvesting The Best Nature Has To Offer