Pixie Cup
Pixie Cup Menstrual Cup - Ranked 1 For Most Comfortable Soft Reusable Period Cup - Wear For 12 Hours - Reduces Cramps - Lasts 10 Years - Tampon And Pad Alternative - Buy One We Give One (Large)
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3.21 Ounces
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Pixie Cup Menstrual Cup - Ranked 1 For Most Comfortable Soft Reusable Period Cup - Wear For 12 Hours - Reduces Cramps - Lasts 10 Years - Tampon And Pad Alternative - Buy One We Give One (Large)
Period Freedom. Pixie Cup Is A Reusable Silicone Cup That Collects Your Monthly Menstrual Flow. Inserted Similarly To A Tampon, Pixie Cup Sits In The Vaginal Canal Comfortably With No Odor, Leaks Or Risk Of Tss10Eco-Responsible. Holding The Capacity Of 3+ Super Tampons, You Can Wear Pixie Cups For 12 Hours Before Emptying. Plus, It Lasts For 10 Years, Meaning More Money In Your Pocket And Less Plastic In Landfills!10Worry-Free Protection. Wear The Cup That Is Incredibly Comfortable And Unquestionably Reliable. Run, Sleep, Swim, And Dance On Your Period Without Fear Of Leaks, Tampon Pain, Or Pad Irritation10No-Stress Sizing. If The First Size You Order IsnâT Exactly What You Need, Reach Out! WeâLl Help You Troubleshoot And Send You Another Size For Free10Buy One, Give One. Every Time You Purchase A Pixie Cup, A Cup Is Donated To A Woman In Need. WeâVe Donated 274,000+ Pixie Cups So Far!