Rite Aid Clotrimazole Anti-Fungal Cream, 1% - 1 Oz | Treats Athlete'S Foot | Jock Itch Cream | Ringworm Cream
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Rite Aid Clotrimazole Anti-Fungal Cream, 1% - 1 Oz | Treats Athlete'S Foot | Jock Itch Cream | Ringworm Cream
Multi-Symptom Relief: Rite Aid'S Antifungal Cream Relieves Itching, Burning, Cracking, Scaling, And Discomfort Associated With A Variety Of Conditions10Cures A Variety Of Conditions: Clotrimazole Antifungal Cream Cures Most Athletes Foot, Jock Itch, And Ringworm, Along With Their Symptoms10Compare To Lotrimin Af: Get The Same Effective Relief From Your Condition As You Would With The National Brand'S Athletes Foot Cream10Rite Aid Vision & Mission: Our Vision At Rite Aid Is For Customers To Confidently Choose Us First For Their Everyday Health And Wellness Needs Because We Consistently Understand And Exceed Their Expectations. Our Mission Is To Improve The Health And Wellness Of Our Communities Through Engaging Experiences That Provide Our Customers With The Best Products, Services, And Advice For Their Unique Needs1010