Santa Cruz Paleo
Santa Cruz Paleo Plastic Detoxifier Diindolylmethane Dim Supplement With Glutathione, Ala, Cdg, Liver Health And Support, Detoxing Heavy Metals, Gluten Free, Keto, Sugar Free, Paleo, 90 Capsules
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8.15 Ounces
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Santa Cruz Paleo Plastic Detoxifier Diindolylmethane Dim Supplement With Glutathione, Ala, Cdg, Liver Health And Support, Detoxing Heavy Metals, Gluten Free, Keto, Sugar Free, Paleo, 90 Capsules
Bullet Points : 1 > Plastic Detoxifier: Plastic, It'S Everywhere. With Ingredients Like Dim, Glutathione, And Cdg, These Capsules, Are Designed To Help Your Body Detox From The Ever Expanding Influence Of Plastic. Ingredients: (Amount Per Serving): Cdg (600Mg), Ala (510Mg), Glutathione (300Mg), Dim (249Mg), Cassava Flour, And Vegetarian Capsules 2 >600Mg Cdg: Cdg, Or Calcium D-Glucarate, Has Been Shown To Promote Liver Detoxing, And Helps The Body Break Down Environmental Toxins. Our Formula Includes 600Mg Per Serving. Our Supplement Is Also Gluten Free, Keto, Sugar Free, And Paleo, Perfect For Several Diet Types 3 >Liver Support: Ala, Or Alpha Lipoic Acid, Supports Liver Detoxing, And Has Potent Antioxidant Properties. Antioxidants Protect Against Damage To The Body'S Cells. Our Formula Includes 510Mg Per Serving 4 >Flush Out Heavy Metals: Glutathione Is Known As Your Body'S Most Powerful Antioxidant. It Has Been Shown To Help Flush Out Environmental Pollutants From Plastic To Heavy Metals. Our Formula Includes 300Mg Per Serving 5 >Dim Supplement: Dim, Or 3,3'-Diindolylmethane, Has Been Shown To Help The Body Rid Itself Of Xenoestrogens. Our Formula Includes 249Mg Per Serving. Serving Size: 3 Capsules With A Meal, Daily Description : Santa Cruz Paleo Plastic Detoxifier Diindolylmethane Dim Supplement With Glutathione, Ala, Cdg, Liver Health And Support, Detoxing Heavy Metals, Gluten Free, Keto, Sugar Free, Paleo, 90 Capsules