Achieve A Deep Cleanse And A Radiant Complexion With The So Eco Facial Cleansing Brush!
Made From Luxuriously Soft Synthetic Fibres And Silicone Bristles, This Dual-Sided Brush Gently Exfoliates, Massages, And Cleanses Your Skin Deeper Than Using Your Hands Alone. Upgrade Your Skincare Routine, Enhance Your Favourite Cleanser, And Show Your Skin The Love It Deserves
Product Information:Achieve A Deep Cleanse And A Radiant Complexion With The So Eco Facial Cleansing Brush!,Features:Made From Luxuriously Soft Synthetic Fibres And Silicone Bristles, This Dual-Sided Brush Gently Exfoliates, Massages, And Cleanses Your Skin Deeper Than Using Your Hands Alone. Upgrade Your Skincare Routine, Enhance Your Favourite Cleanser, And Show Your Skin The Love It Deserves,Product Specification:Product Code: Mp-00011046