Superdrug Elasticated Tubular Support Bandage Is For Use On Large Wrist, Small Knee, Large Elbow Or Medium Ankle. Size D 7.5Cm X1M
Flexible Fabric Offers Continuous Support Without Restricting Movement
1. Measure The Tubular Bandage Against The Affected Limb And Cut To Twice The Length Required. 2. Open As A Sleeve. 3. Draw Evenly And Carefully Over The Limb. 4. Double Back The Top Layer To Overlap The First For Greater Pressure. 5. For Use On Wrists, Cut A Small Slit Through Each Layer Of The Bandage To Allow The Thumb To Pass Through
Carton - Card - Widely Recycled
Product Information:Superdrug Elasticated Tubular Support Bandage Is For Use On Large Wrist, Small Knee, Large Elbow Or Medium Ankle. Size D 7.5Cm X1M,Features:Flexible Fabric Offers Continuous Support Without Restricting Movement,Product Specification:Cotton/Elastic Mix. This Product Contains Latex,Product Uses:1. Measure The Tubular Bandage Against The Affected Limb And Cut To Twice The Length Required. 2. Open As A Sleeve. 3. Draw Evenly And Carefully Over The Limb. 4. Double Back The Top Layer To Overlap The First For Greater Pressure. 5. For Use On Wrists, Cut A Small Slit Through Each Layer Of The Bandage To Allow The Thumb To Pass Through,Recyclable:Carton - Card - Widely Recycled